博天堂官方 +俄勒冈州立大学


How do I get into an 博天堂官方 class when I took the pre-requisite 在俄勒冈州立大学? 只需填写 此网上表格.


When should I sign up for DPP?

简短的回答是:只要你有资格. 这样,如果俄勒冈州立大学的项目发生变化 some of 他们的 requirements you will not have to re-take classes or take different 从目前的课程要求. 作为一名DPP学生,你是俄勒冈州立大学的学生 and will earn catalog rights once you have taken your first credit 在俄勒冈州立大学.

At the very latest, however, sign-up about a month prior to the start of the term 你想在俄勒冈州立大学开始上课.  


When applying, request official transcripts to be sent 在俄勒冈州立大学 for all of your college course work (all official transcripts need to come directly from the school that awarded the credits regardless if 博天堂官方 has received/evaluated them).  博天堂官方不会自动 send transcripts 在俄勒冈州立大学 for the application process; they need to be requested.  If you completed the foreign language requirement by taking two years of foreign language in high school, you will need to have your official high school transcripts sent to 俄勒冈州立大学也是如此.


As a current 博天堂官方 student transitioning 在俄勒冈州立大学, you will not be required to take additional 位置测试.


俄勒冈州立大学评估所有DPP申请.  转学生,俄勒冈州立大学 正在考虑以下标准:

  • 完成24个可转换的大学学分
  • Completed WR 121 (English Composition) with a grade of C or better
  • Completed MTH 105 or MTH 111 with a grade of C or better***
  • 平均成绩达到2分.25岁或以上

***While completion of college-level math is strongly recommended, transfer students may be admitted 在俄勒冈州立大学 without math if they have met all other requirements with at 至少一个2.50+转学GPA. 一旦进入学位合作,大学水平的数学 课程必须在前45学分内完成.

Students need to be in "good standing" with 他们的 current institution.


OSU will notify students of admission once they have evaluated all transcripts.  这 可能需要4-6周.  Keep an eye out on the email used to set up the application.  If OSU feels your application is incomplete (for example they have not received official transcripts from a school), they will send you an email requesting the required information.

Are DPP students required to pay the OSU matriculation fee?

All OSU students are required to pay this fee the first term they enroll in classes 在俄勒冈州立大学.


费用支付信息可在 俄勒冈州立大学商业事务网站, 他们的 到期日时间表,并打印 注册信息手册.

What are the add/drop and tuition refund deadlines 在俄勒冈州立大学?

At OSU,,the 学费/Fee Reduction and Refund 时间表 is published in the 注册信息手册.  最后一天通过网络添加课程 without departmental permission is at the end (在该星期日晚上11时55分前).  最后一天通过网络添加课程 with departmental permission is at the end of the second week (on that Sunday by 11:55pm).  看到 教务处网页 了解更多信息.

I've been admitted and ready to register for a class 在俄勒冈州立大学. 接下来是什么?

You must sign up to attend an orientation session prior to the term that you are planning 在俄勒冈州立大学上课. During the summer there are several START orientation sessions 转学生.  学期之间也至少有一节课.  During the orientation you will learn about transitional resources 在俄勒冈州立大学, meet with an OSU advisor, and receive a PIN which will be required to register for any OSU classes. 去 新学生计划网站了解更多信息.

How will I know if I am taking the right courses at 博天堂官方 to transfer into my major 在俄勒冈州立大学?

定期去看你的博天堂官方顾问!  与俄勒冈州立大学的顾问会面 Office is another great way to be reassured 你正在步入正轨.  后, catalog plan of study for an AS degree will also ensure that your courses transfer 在俄勒冈州立大学.  我们还有一些 传输指南 that can be used as an additional reference, although there is no substitute for 与你的导师会面.




Currently enrolled OSU students and brand new students planning to attend a new student orientation 在俄勒冈州立大学 are not required to attend an orientation at 博天堂官方 when you sign 申请学位合作项目. 然而,我们的政策和 systems here than 在俄勒冈州立大学, and it pays for you to be familiar with these. 

How do I sign up for classes at 博天堂官方 once I'm admitted to the DPP program?

Once we have your account set up, you will receive an email with your 博天堂官方 ID number and a claim code to set up your Single Sign-On password for WebRunner. In WebRunner, under the "student" tab, you'll see the "registration" link.  使用 那就是注册课程.  你可以找到你被允许注册的日期 点击“注册状态”.也可以查看我们的 学生调度工具, located under the "registration" link, to help plan your schedule at both schools.  If you need help registering, please give us a call or send an email to dpp@campingturkey.net.

How do I pay for classes at 博天堂官方 with my OSU financial aid?

While your credits you are taking at both schools are added together to show your 满载时,我们的计费系统没有连接.  俄勒冈州立大学不会直接给博天堂官方汇款 ——在博天堂官方付账单是你的责任.  博天堂官方提供在线支付 through your WebRunner account or you can pay in-person at our Albany Campus 业务办公室,或在 本顿中心 在科瓦利斯.


You can re-take a class that you failed, and when you pass that class at 博天堂官方, it 能满足俄勒冈州立大学的毕业或课程要求吗. 但是,您不能替换 grade you got 在俄勒冈州立大学 with the grade you got at 博天堂官方 (or vice verse). 年级的替代品 只能在同一机构内发生吗. 一般来说,我们会告诉学生 re-take the class they failed at the institution they originally took the class at.


Although all classes are different, the short answer is no. 当一个类计数 both institutions, it's because both schools have reviewed the class and found that 它导致学生达到相同的学习成果. 博天堂官方的课程通常是 smaller, which means that you get more interaction with the instructor, and the instructor 可以分配更多的评分密集的项目吗. 这意味着博天堂官方的课程是公正的 与俄勒冈州立大学的同类课程相比,即使不是更难,也一样难.

How do I get into an 博天堂官方 class, when I took the pre-requisite 在俄勒冈州立大学?

只要填一下这个 在线表单.

How will I know if I am taking the right courses at 博天堂官方 to transfer into my major 在俄勒冈州立大学?

与俄勒冈州立大学的顾问会面 Office is a great way to be reassured 你正在步入正轨.  后, catalog plan of study for an AS degree will 同时确保你的课程可以转到俄勒冈州立大学.  许多节目都发展了咨询 guides that list courses beyond those included in the AS that will transfer 在俄勒冈州立大学 在你的专业(问你的导师!).